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NCHD started its operations in 2002 in just two districts, Mardan and Narowal.  Since then it has scaled up its network, and its programs are now being implemented in 134 districts/administrative units out of total 150 Districts across Pakistan. The main premise of the human development approach is that expanding peoples’ freedoms is both the main aim of, and the principal means for sustainable development. If inequalities in human development persist and grow, the aspirations of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will remain unfulfilled.

Accordingly, NCHD is well poised to assume a pioneering role in reshaping and influencing the movement for social change in Pakistan. NCHD as per its mandate conferred upon through the ordinance and The Decision of the Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan is a potential organization to support the government in achieving the following Sustainable Development Goals by the year 2030.

Universal Primary Education (UPE)

Situation of Primary Education in Pakistan is as under:

  • Net enrollment rate is 66%
  • Out of it, 40% children dropout before completing the primary schooling cycle
  • Only one third of the children passing grade five achieve a minimum acceptable level of learning.
Schools detail

Adult Literacy

One of the Prime mandates of NCHD is to help Pakistan achieve the target of 90% literacy  as envisioned in the vision 2025 in order to achieve this goal, the commission has prioritized and a two pronged approach towards this:

  1. Dealing with the back log of adult illiterates by implementing Adult literacy programs in the communities.
  2. Ensuring that all children should be enrolled and retained in schools for the completion of full primary schooling cycle through its Universal Primary Education Program.

In order to achieve gender equity, equality NCHD launched its mass Literacy initiative in August 2002 to support the Ministry of Education. The goal of the Program is to enhance adult literacy in Pakistan, with special emphasis on female literacy. NCHD realizes that the issue of female literacy is built on sharply differentiated gender roles. Therefore, the issue of planning, gender mainstreaming, programming and matching resources for equitable provision of female education has to be addressed. Over the long run, it is expected that educating females will improve the status of women in Pakistan.

Nationwide Adult Literacy Centers Detail, 2022

New ALCs established in GB & KP, 2022