The Pilot Project Achievements/Benefits |
The Pilot Project Achievements/Benefits
The impact of the pilot intervention has been far reaching with multiplier affect in improving living conditions of the deprived women. In this connection, a study was carried out by NCHD in order to assess the impact of the pilot intervention.
The follow-up study: methodology In order to assess the impact of the project, two structured questionnaires were designed to collect data. Consisting of different but related questions, the first questionnaire was directed towards CTLC graduates, while the second was developed to obtain responses from the graduates’ parents/relatives/friends. To measure empowerment, the questionnaires incorporated a number of variables. The variables were developed in accordance with Chen’s (1997) “Empowerment Framework: 4-Pathway” and Schuler, Hashemi and Riley’s “Empowerment Index: 8-Indicator” (Mayoux, 2005, Johnson, 2005). Since different languages are spoken in Pakistan, the national language (Urdu) was used to reduce language barriers. For accuracy, the data was collected during personal interviews. |