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With the developments of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and globalization, the notion of women’s empowerment has now acquired new dimensions. On the one hand, ICTs pose challenges of meaningful access to and use of digital technologies. On the other hand, they can offer diverse opportunities for changing the lives of marginalized women. Those having access to ICTs are benefiting from them in every sphere of life. These technologies can contribute to the process of empowerment by expanding women’s socio-economic, political, physical and mental spaces. ICT is a powerful tool to help contribute to human resource development. While access to ICT resources is important, addressing access issues alone is not sufficient for reducing digital divide and gender gaps. While ICTs have the ability to affect gender inequities (in the areas of education, health care, access to economic opportunities, etc.), failure to incorporate a gender focus in the ICTs development process could have negative effects on women, particularly underserved and marginalized women of remote districts.